

This is my energy blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

If you're reading this.... you already know... I created a blog (I know, so 2004).  Regardless, welcome to my inaugural post! Let me start with a little bit about myself and what I’m doing here. 

My name is Patrick Bean and I have been working on energy and environmental issues for several years.  I’ve worked at think tanks, a non-profit, a newspaper, a federal agency, and an electric utility. 

So why Honest Energy?  To me, honesty is a fleeting virtue when it comes to energy debates (and other hot-button issues).  Substance has taken a back seat to dramatizing arguments, making more noise than counterparts, and raising money to support your cause. 

I’m more interested in substance and analysis than buzz words and chest pounding.  

Energy plays a critical role in our lives, but it is often taken for granted, misunderstood, or falsely characterized.  My goal is to use this space to provide and disseminate information about anything and everything energy.  Well you might say, “how is this any different from other blogs?” or “oh great, just what the world needs… another blog destined for the doldrums of the interwebs.”  Fair enough.

I will try to make this space unique and educational. This blog will not be self-serving. I will use this space to share energy information with you in a pragmatic, common sense fashion.  I’ll try to make it as interesting as possible, and will:

·         Provide statistics because everyone loves obscure statistics!
·         Review reports
·         Critique policies
·         Develop strategies and solutions
·         Provide analysis
·         Assess energy markets
·         Evaluate company stocks
·         Point out ironies in many arguments
·         Provide opinions (DISCLAIMER ALERT: All opinions expressed here are my own, and, of course, should be adopted by you immediately). 

The topics may vary from post to post, from why Dominion’s stock may be undervalued, to solar development in the Southwest, or why electricity deregulation may have been a poor decision.  

I will also talk about why you shouldn’t waste your time boycotting your local Exxon station because of high gas prices, or why we can’t retire all of the country’s coal plants tomorrow and replace them with wind turbines and solar panels.  I am also happy to answer your questions and look into energy topics or companies that interest you.   

If this blog is destined for obscurity, then so be it.  If a single reader learns something, I’ll consider it a worthy endeavor.